OSHA is very active and they have significantly increased the number of inspections,
citations and penalties. OSHA is cracking down even more. Beginning January 2015 if your company has an employee who is injured and has to be admitted to the
Hospital for treatment you will have to notify OSHA within 24 hours. This will result in many more companies being subjected to an OSHA inspection.
Join us for this free 1/2 day seminar for a great opportunity to become familiar with the following:
* Which companies could be targeted?
* Why OSHA could show up at your door
* The things you need to know before an OSHA Inspection
* What to do in case of an OSHA Inspection
* Your rights under the OSHA Act
Attendance at this seminar qualifies for BWC group rating two hour training credit and provides one safety council rebate program external training credit with
submission of the certificate of attendance to your local sponsor.
Dates and Locations:
* November 6, 2014 Akron, Ohio
* November 18, 2014 Hamilton, Ohio
* December 9, 2014 Columbus, Ohio
citations and penalties. OSHA is cracking down even more. Beginning January 2015 if your company has an employee who is injured and has to be admitted to the
Hospital for treatment you will have to notify OSHA within 24 hours. This will result in many more companies being subjected to an OSHA inspection.
Join us for this free 1/2 day seminar for a great opportunity to become familiar with the following:
* Which companies could be targeted?
* Why OSHA could show up at your door
* The things you need to know before an OSHA Inspection
* What to do in case of an OSHA Inspection
* Your rights under the OSHA Act
Attendance at this seminar qualifies for BWC group rating two hour training credit and provides one safety council rebate program external training credit with
submission of the certificate of attendance to your local sponsor.
Dates and Locations:
* November 6, 2014 Akron, Ohio
* November 18, 2014 Hamilton, Ohio
* December 9, 2014 Columbus, Ohio